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Strive Forward with Our United Efforts—Annual Meeting in 2020 Spring Festival

At the beginning of the new year, which is the time for us to learn from the past and look to the future, Modrol Company held its 2019 annual meeting at Yucca Hotel in Jiangmen on January 17, 2020.

In the past year, Modrol has been like a ship riding on the crest of the waves, with a sail lifting in fair wind. All of our Modrol employees and talents that work diligently have gained fruitful achievements. In the new year, the company will encounter more difficulties and risks, as well as greater challenges and opportunities. We will continue to make every effort to seize the opportunities, and will be full of passion to work hard and set ourselves up for the promising future of Modrol.

The development of the company will not be successful without the unremitting efforts and selfless dedication of all members. In 2019, the departments and employees who have made great contributions were rewarded after rounds of selection. Modrol thanks everyone for being the backbone and mainstay of the company. Ordinary but not mediocre, our employees always continuously contributing their unlimited strength to the development of the company.

The whole party lasted for over 3 hours, and everyone was intoxicated by the wonderful songs, energetic dances, and funny but profoundly meaningful sketches. The lucky draw in the middle of the party was even more exciting, making many employees wining the prizes and going home with lots of stuff.

Apart from enriching the cultural life of employees and providing them with a stage to show themselves, This evening party also enhanced the internal cohesion of the company and promoted employees' perception and sense of belonging to the company. We all believe that Modrol will be more successful in the future!

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