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Commendation of Excellent Employees of the Company in 2022

In order to enhance the sense of belonging and further stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of employees through commendation, the company held the 2022 Excellent Employee Selection Event. On the morning of January 16, 2023, the award-winning outstanding employees were commended.

Employees are the foundation of enterprise development, and those excellent are the valuable assets for enterprises to be successful. Their unremitting efforts and selfless dedication have ever made the continuous growth of Modrol Electric. The award-winning employees were selected based on multiple aspects such as working attitude, capability, performance, and contribution. After multiple assessments, Wolin Ye, from the Product Development Department, and Zhihui Chen, from the Sales Department A, won the honor of Excellent Employee of the Company in 2022. The company's leaders granted them honorary certificates and bonuses, and gave full recognition and high praise to their achievements. The steady development would become an empty talk without the unremitting efforts of all employees. It is hoped that excellent employees who are praised will guard against arrogance and rashness, play a exemplary role, make persistent efforts in future work, and devote every effort to strive for honorable achievements. With the corporate culture rooted in the inners of every employee, we share every advancement together with Modrol Electric, and wish the company a further step towards becoming a century enterprise!

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